Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Michael Steele Does It Again

I know, I know, this is turning into the Michael Steele advertising blog. But in this spot, the Steele people stick one of Cardin's spots right back in his face...but they do it with style.

Hats off for the music choice.

Bill Ritter Hits The Cute Overload

Cuteness is a dangerous weapon. Used sparingly it can be devastating, but it's tempting to go too far.

We'll give Laugens Hamburger an "A" for trying to do something different, but this one didn't quite get there. And the wrap-up line of "Next year, I'm gonna be GOVERNOR Bill Ritter" is, well, ugh.

Check out "Halloween."

Monday, October 30, 2006

DSCC Ohio Senate: These People Aren't Happy

In the ad, "Happy," the DSCC juxtaposes the children's song "If You're Happy And You Know It" with pictures of Ohioans who are clearly not happy.

Typically, Grunwald Communications is a concept-free zone, but this spot has a nice idea. Graphics are awful.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Claire McCaskill Flirts With Copyright Law

Okay, so the commercial called "94" is just another blah, blah, blah attack ad.

Except for one thing.

The music track is so close to the 60's hit "So Happy Together" that it's spooky. Or changed just barely enough to be legal. What's the point of running that risk for blah, blah, blah attack ad?

Listen for yourself.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Ned Lamont Does A War Ad Without A Picture Of President Bush

Ned Lamont continues to deliver some of the best ads of the cycle. This may be the only Democrat ad that tells the war story in a poignant, emotional way instead of spending 30 seconds showing ugly pictures of the opposing candidate with the President.

He has terrific ads. He also has no chance.

Check out "Why Do We Listen."

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Brad Ellsworth Says The Magic Words

In one of the least inspiring spots of the political season, Brad Ellsworth tells us he wants to...wait for it...Move Indiana Forward.

Can we ban that phrase from political advertising? Please? And why is he watching a TV set that's directly behind him? Does he literally have eyes in the back of his head?

Here's the spot from Dixon/Davis. Try to stay awake. I dare you.

Mark Kennedy Tells It Like It Is

In his new ad, "Security," Senate candidate Mark Kennedy admits the war is not going that well. Then tell us you can't negotiate with people who want to kill you.

Our nominee for the straightest straight talk of the cycle.

Women's Voices Women Vote Makes With The Celebrities

Here's a really well done get out the vote spot from the nice folks at Women's Voices Women Vote. Great concept, terrific performances and top notch talent.

But what happened to the graphics at the end.

Check it out here.

Lazy Blogger Enters 21st Century

At long last, we've finally gotten off our collective duffs and come up with an RSS feed. Those of you who are so inclined, click on the link in the right sidebar and RSS feed your hearts out. Or, if you're lazy like us, you can just click here.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Harold Ford Gets Made Fun Of

If you haven't seen this spot from the Tennessee Senate Race you've been living under a rock. It's been called everything from tacky to racist.

We think it's funny.

Decide for yourself here.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Asa Hutchinson Proves R's Have A Sense of Humor

In a season bogged down with mean attack ad after mean attack ad, Asa Hutchison and Scott Howell & Co. have come out with...an attack ad. But it looks good and it made us laugh. Is that so wrong?

Check out "Just Like."

RNC Goes For Laughs

Okay, so the Republicans don't have Susan Sarandon or Michael J. Fox, but they do have David Zucker, the guy who did the "Police Squad" movies.

In this web-only spot, Zucker shows us what the world might look like if the Dems win it all.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Claire McCaskill Gets Foxy

In her hammer-and-tongs fight for Missouri Senate, Claire McCaskill's been tapping the Hollywood contingent.

In this spot
, she taps Michael J. Fox to trash her opponent about stem cell research.

Is politics ready for big time celebrity endorsements? Are paid celebrity endorsements right around the corner? Hmmm.

RNC Raised The Stakes

The GOP has certainly stirred it up today with a controversial spot that was clearly inspired by the documentary about radical fundamentalism called "Obsession."

The spot is pretty well done. Props to the ad folks for going with an almost silent soundtrack. Nice work on the graphics, too.

Check out "Stakes."

Michael Steele Hits The Door

On Message and their client Michael Steele delivers another strong performance. All told, this is the cleanest creative campaign in politics this cycle.

Check out "Door."

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Yes on 89 and North Woods Pound It Home

Here's an ad we really like. North Woods pushing California's Prop 89.

Something doesn't make sense, though. This ad is well done and required considerable amounts of both time and money. But they're pushing a proposition that promotes public funding of political campaigns.

If the ad works and the thing passes, North Woods isn't going to be getting budgets like this anymore. They'll be running around with a Handycam and reflector card.

Check it out here.

Kerry Healey Gets Creepy

Stevens & Schreifer pulls out the Blair Witch Project filter for their new spot "Garage."

They spend 20 seconds really working to set up the one damning clip. Scary, but good. Well done.

Bob Beauprez Makes A Poop Joke

Gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez and his agency National Media can't resist making a poop joke in his new spot "Smell."

Oh sure, he's in front of red barn wearing the Carhart barn coat that's been issued to every politician West of the Mississippi, but darn it if he doesn't do a good job. It's shot well, too.

And, let's be honest, we're suckers for poop jokes.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Nick Lampson Makes An Effort

Running for Tom Delay's vacated seat against four write-in candidates should be pretty easy. So, hat's off to Nick Lampson for making an effort to do something besides say "I'm not Tom Delay."

Check out "Bullhorn."

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Harold Ford Jr. Gets A Little Funky

Harold Ford Jr. did a very successful, but controversial spot from a church pew. Those wacky cats at the National Republican Senatorial Committee took it and got a little funky with it.

Best soundtrack of the cycle so far. Check out "What Kind."

Jim Pederson Does Something Pretty Decent

We've given Jim Pederson and his media group Struble Eichenbaum a pretty hard time. Usually because they keep doing the same old stuff.

Then, lo and behold, they go and do and make liars out of us by doing something different. And pretty decent, too. It's called "Criminal."

Ned Lamont Is Scary

While the work from North Woods Advertising has been very uneven in this race, the new Ned Lamont spot "Horror" proves that when these guys are on their game their one of the very best.

Are people really all tweaked up about bringing toothpaste on airplanes? I don't know, but the Psycho-inspired spot is a winner.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Move America Forward: Is Airport Security Funny?

In this spot from the folks at the anti-terrorist Move America Forward, regular people are delayed at airport security while obvious terrorists skate past TSA officials.

Hmm. Are they promoting profiling or dissing the TSA? It's one of those case where I know what you mean, but you don't really mean what you say. Do you?

We think they were more on target with their first ad showing Bill Clinton's failures in the war on terror. See it here.

By Request: The Stop DeVos Review

A reader asked if we'd review the Stop DeVos work. This is a little out of our pay grade as we stick to broadcast commercials and the Stop DeVos effort is 100% internet, but what the heck.

Here's the skinny. We wanted to like ad number one. Check it out here. Cool music, good regular-guy voice over and some really decent (if homemade looking at times) production work. The trouble is message.

We shouldn't vote for Dick DeVos because he headed up Amway. Fair enough, but this is hardly a news flash to anyone in Michigan. And comparing Amway to Puppy Stomping, well, that's a bit of a stretch.

On TV you can pound a message home by purchasing a lot of media time and shoving it down people's throats. On the internet you gotta make them come to you.

Debbie Stabenow Seems A Little Stiff

In this latest ad from Scott Howell and Company for client Mike Bouchard, Debbie Stabenow is presented as a life-sized cutout.

Good concept, good acting and nice production.

A bright spot in a cycle filled with dismal work. Check it out here.