Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Michael Bennet Presses The Panic Button Early

Is Michael Bennet in trouble in his race to hold off Republican challenger Jane Norton?

This spot sure looks like it.

Even though it's his first spot, Bennet presses all the buttons:
Look at me I'm not in Washington!
I'm wearing a barn coat just like people in Colorado do!
I hate Congress, too!

If you can bore people into voting for you, Bennet has this one in the bag.


Click here to watch "I'm Wearing A Barn Coat!"

Monday, March 15, 2010

Carly Fiorina Gives Boxer A Giant Noogie

There are some in the political ad world who are hammering Carly Fiorina over this ad.

They're wrong.

How do you say someone has a gigantic ego? You give them a big head, like the evil zeppelin in Up In The Air. It's funny, it's well-produced and it's a punch in the gut.

Normally, I'd blow you up for doing the boardroom b-roll shot, but these are the best boardroom b-roll shots I've ever seen.

That being said, couldn't we have told this story in two minutes instead of seven? We all know internet viewing plummets to near zero after 91 seconds and, cool as the special effects are, the story goes on and on and on. Then it goes on a little more.

Cut it in half (or more) and you've got yourself something.


Click here to watch "Big Head"