Saturday, September 23, 2006

We Are Not Picking On Alfano-Leonardo

Just to prove that we are not, in fact, picking on Alfano-Leonardo, here's a very nice ad they did for Howard Barnett in the Oklahoma Treasurer's race.

So there.

Mike McGavick Is Very Generic

In his newest ad, generically titled "Change," Mike would like you to know he's not like those people in Washington and that he will do something about whatever it is they they are not doing. Or something like that.

He walks, he talks, he rolls up his sleeves and says the exact same thing everyone else says. Even delivers the very generic tagline "Real. Change."

A swing and a miss from Alfano-Leonardo.

Kinky Friedman Is A Ray Of Sunshine

This year's political races have been one side trying to out-negative the other side.

Kinky Friedman has been, well, himself. Which is a good thing. His latest ad, "Cowboy Way" produced by North Woods, stands in stark contrast to the other ads in the Texas Governor's race. That is, it doesn't suck.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Insert Your Candidate Here

Amy Klobuchar's new spot "What Happened," from the Grunwald folks, shows us all how to make a standard issue political ad.
1. Have the candidate make a claim.
2. Show the candidate hard at work behind a desk.
3. Include "candid" moments with "real" people.

Lather, rinse, repeat. This is why the Tivo was invented.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

If We Won't Do It, Rick Perry Will

In his newest ad, Rick Perry, the virtually unchallenged Governor of Texas, stands on the Rio Grande and says that if the federales won't keep illegal immigrants out, he will. Watch "Border" here.

Nicely produced and shot. A far cry from the rather shabby "Proud of Texas" ad he launched with.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Who Says You Can't Teach An Old Message New Tricks

The whole "we need a different kind of Senator" message was first heard in Latin from some upstart in the Roman Forum.

Typically, spots singing this song might as well be in Latin, but Michael Steele delivers the goods in this spot. He's approachable, convincing and warm. OnMessage delivered just enough technique to make it hip and contemporary without making it look like it's trying too hard.

Kweise Mfume Is A Bit Confused

Kweise's very convincing on camera in his new ad "How You Finish" from Trippi and Associates.

Trouble is, he seems a bit confused. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he was running against George Bush for Maryland Senate. A little desperate sounding we think.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Asa Grew Up In The Country

You can't start a political campaign without a bio ad and Asa Hutchinson's campaign follows the rule. The difference here is that this ad tells the Asa story with a little style and and current editorial technique.

View "Life" from Asa and Scott Howell & Company here.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Harold Ford Jr. Can Walk And Talk

There's atheme running through Harold Ford's commercials. It has nothing to do with education or oil or Iraq. It's this: Harold Ford can talk while he walks. This is harder than it looks. A lot of politicians can barely talk. Or walk. Harold can do both. At the same time.

In fact, he's a darn decent actor. And that's his edge.

Check out his walking and talking here. If he wins, his acting ability will deserve a lot of the credit. If he loses, this guy needs an agent.

Monday, September 04, 2006

We're Endorsing Old Relish Packet

The Ad Council, via Atlanta's West Wayne, has produced some of the best political advertising of the season. Basically, a campaign to encourage people to register and vote, the ads are brilliant parodies of political ads promoting candidates like "Old Relish Packet" and "Spoiled Yappy Dog."

Check out the whole set at

Jim Pederson Is Sorry He's Rich

In his ad "Taxes", produced by Struble Eichenbaum, Jim Pederson apologizes for being successful and getting a break on his taxes.

To make up for it, he's apparently going to feel bad for the us non-rich. Or something like that.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Claire McCaskill Is Good With Maps

If Missouri is a bellwether state this year, Claire McCaskill's media people better get on their horses. "Protect" is the third horribly boring ad that's bending over backward to inoculate the candidate on every issue from nuclear war to bad breath.

In the selected frame, Claire is helping a border patrol officer read a fuzzy map.