Saturday, December 08, 2007

Obama Wants To Be President

In his new spot "Our Moment Is Now" the Obama campaign does the right thing by keeping their man on camera. In this spot, he seems to take a little poke at Hillary Clinton by making reference to the old style Washington campaign. If he wants to make up some ground he's gonna have to poke a lot harder than that.

I feel bad for the GMMB guys, though. Sure, they have to put their guy on TV, they should put their guy on TV, but don't they get bored doing the same thing week after week. I'm guessing they secretly hang out with the Romney ad guys to commiserate.

Here's "Our Moment Is Now."

John Edwards Hates Democrats and Republicans Equally

In his new spot, "Rigged," John Edwards tells people that the system is rigged against them and that we should replace corporate Republicans with corporate Democrats.

He did exercise some restraint in not using the phrase "don't let the man keep you down."

See John Edwards do some hatin' in the spot "Rigged."

Freedom's Watch Is Too Hot For NBC

It's not news for a network to reject a political spot it considers too controversial. This spot, from Freedom's Watch, contains the works "Thank" and "You" in very close proximity and is directed to our troops fighting overseas. It also contained the type "" which pushed NBC right over the edge.

Click here to watch "Thank You." (I'm sure someone at NBC would want me to make sure your children leave the room first.)

UPDATE: Under pressure from groups like Americans Who Think It's Okay To Say Thank You, NBC as changed its position and will allow the ad to run.